About me...
I'm a freelance makeup artist who specialises in Bridal makeup. People often ask me how I chose this career and in all honesty I think it chose me.
Why bridal makeup? I LOVE love, if you know what I mean. I was that little girl who grew up on fairytales and I've probably watched The Little Mermaid over 100 times. That's why being a part of someone else's fairytale whether it just be a day is so fulfilling to me. You know what they say " choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life".
Other than being a bridal makeup artist I also enjoy writing and sharing my personal fav's whether its makeup, beauty, fashion or travel.
When I'm not writing about makeup, talking about makeup or applying makeup you'll find me hanging out with my hubby, planning out our next holiday destination .
Natasha Ranchod Makeup is always a total expression of elegance, creating and capturing the most precious moments possible, helping bring to life the unique inner beauty of any client receiving her personal touch and attention.